Introducing the GiveAllot programme.
Piloted in Dartford Kent, the GiveAllot programme was dreamt up almost by accident when Kelly Grehen, Dartford Councillor who runs a local charity Dartford Deeds Not Words Foundation, asked Amie McArdle (Dartford Allotment owner) if there was any produce her allotment could donate. Amie’s husband Tim McArdle, as Trustee of Charity World soon realised there was the potential here to develop a movement, first in Dartford, as a pilot and then across the UK. We have heard the term from plot to plate, how about from plot to bank to plate he thought? At time of writing he couldn’t think of anything more catchy!
So on the 26th October 2020, Tim, Amie and Kelly, with the oversight of Charity World, embarked on this pilot project with the hope that good results would garner interest and engagement that could, in theory, be easily replicated across the country.

The Potential Of Allotments
As anyone who has ever had an allotment can testify, there’s only so many courgettes one can eat, or tomatoes or pumpkins. A good harvest is a great achievement but sometimes a season can be too good. Friends of allotment holders will often find themselves the grateful recipients of free produce. Some allotment holders like me will do three things throughout the year with their produce:
- Eat some of it, because of course that is the whole point.
- Give some away to family and friends.
- Sadly, allow some of it to rot because we haven’t got around to cooking it all
And now there is:
4.The Giveallot Programme
So what can I do?
Do you have an allotment plot? Are you responsible for overseeing a group of allotments? Could you introduce this scheme to your allotment managers? Could they create a donation box for allotment plot holders to donate their excess produce? So many questions I know!
Could you encourage plot holders to grow more than they need specifically for the programme and perhaps become the growing heroes of the local community? If so, or to find out more please email info@charityworld.com . When ready we can work to link you with a local foodbank and recognise your efforts on our programme listings

Our Mission
Charity World supports children and families living in poverty or hardship through our education and fostering projects, and by collaborating with other charities doing great work. We believe that supporting families and children through care and education is the best way to support development of a happier, healthier society that is self-sustaining and fairer to all.
Schools Adopted
Children Sponsored
Charities Supported